If you would like to set a timezone in date parameter, it has to be UTC now. If not, this function will first convert the input to the default timezone based on hub parameter. It is using Eastern Time for hub = "US" and CET for hub = "ECDC". Then, return the converted date time in UTC timezone.

date_to_datetime(date = NULL, hub = c("US", "ECDC", "FluSight"))



date in character. It could be a YYYY-MM-DD date, or a YYYY-MM-DD date format with HH:MM:SS time, or a YYYY-MM-DD date with HH:MM:SS time and UTC timezone. Default to NULL


character vector, where the first element indicates the hub to set default timezone. Possible options are "US", "ECDC" and "FluSight".


NULL or datetime characters with date, time in UTC timezone