Url for fetching baseline data from
Download baseline csv file to given path and return a promise for the path
Ensure that an up to date baseline csv is available in cache and return the data
Return season data for the given lag value (or latest). Return value is an object keyed by region ids having a list of { epiweek, wili } items as values
Return season data for all the lag values from 0 to 52. Return value is an object keyed by region ids having a list of { epiweek, wili, { lagData: [{ lag, wili } ...] }} items as values
Find true target values for given season. Return a promise of an object keyed by region id having a list of { target: truth } items
Same as getSeasonDataLatestLag but works on a list of seasons and return Promise.all value
Return onset week TODO: Verify that this is correct
Return peak and peak-wk after checking if we have all available data for the season
Return nAhead week ahead truth value starting at startAt
Generated using TypeDoc
Module for working with truth related data