• removed with_mock() calls (“with_mock() is deprecated and will be made defunct soon”)
  • added create_timezero <- function(zoltar_connection, project_url, timezero_date, data_version_date, is_season_start, season_name) function
  • added upload_truth(zoltar_connection, project_url, truth_csv_file) function
  • cleaned up dependencies. thanks to Hugo Gruson
  • added support for change Target fields to support visualization #328: adjusted Zoltar’s Target data model to add outcome_variable to all targets, and to add numeric_horizon and reference_date_type fields to is_step_ahead ones. These changes support upcoming visualization features.
  • added support for as_of in truth queries
  • replaced issue_date date field with issued_at datetime field to match server change
  • added latest_forecasts(zoltar_connection, project_url) function
  • added latest_forecasts(zoltar_connection, project_url) function
  • updated package to be compatible with Zoltar 4
  • removed scoring-related features, which are transitioning from the server to client libraries
  • changed truth_info() to match a server change in truth naming: now has source and created_at instead of truth_csv_filename and truth_updated_at, respectively
  • changed truth retrieval from file-based to query-based (like forecast and score data)
  • models(): added “notes” column
  • forecasts(): added three timezero columns in addition to “url”: “timezero_date”, “data_version_date”, “is_season_start”
  • added error message tweaks, fixed small example typos
  • (API BREAK) Made two major changes. 1) Changed score downloading from the scores() function (removed from the library) that downloaded all scores to querying scores in a manner very similar to that of forecasts. This entailed generalizing do_zoltar_query, submit_query(), and job_data(), which now take a is_forecast_query arg. The first two now accept either "types" or "scores", depending on that arg. 2) Changed those two score query functions to pass strings, not database IDs, removing the need to call query_with_ids(), which has been deleted.
  • Changed query_with_ids() to warn and ignore invalid query values.
  • Changed query_with_ids()’s query arg to accept model abbreviations in “models”, instead of passing them in “model_abbrs”, which is no longer accepted. This is because Zoltar now uses model abbreviations to uniquely identify them, not names.
  • Added support for additional model metadata.
  • Added support for querying project forecasts.
  • Added functions to convert forecast data to data.framess.
  • Updated package to be compatible with Zoltar 3.1.0.
  • Updated entire package to be compatible with Zoltar 3.
  • Added automatic re-authentication of expired tokens
  • Made changes to avoid CRAN NOTE:

    checking dependencies in R code … NOTE Namespaces in Imports field not imported from: ‘jsonlite’ ‘mockery’ ‘readr’ ‘webmockr’ All declared Imports should be used.

  • Initial private beta release