Reformat model outputs stored as a model_output_tbl class (or similar) to that of a data.frame formatted according to standards of the COVID-19 Forecasting Hub which can be processed by functions from the covidHubUtils package such as score_forecasts() or plot_forecasts(). The supplied model_output_tbl should have columns defining properties akin to reference dates, locations, horizons, and targets.

  model_id_col = "model_id",
  reference_date_col = "forecast_date",
  location_col = "location",
  horizon_col = "horizon",
  target_col = "target",
  output_type_col = "output_type",
  output_type_id_col = "output_type_id",
  value_col = "value",
  temp_res_col = "temporal_resolution",
  target_end_date_col = "target_end_date"



an object of class model_output_tbl with component model outputs (e.g., predictions). Should have columns containing the following information: model name, reference date or target end date, location, horizon, target, temporal resolution*, output type, output type id, and value. Note that the temporal resolution may be included in the target column.


character string of the name of the column containing the model name(s) for the forecasts. Defaults to "model_id". Should be set to NULL if no such column exists, in which case a model_id column will be created populated with the value "model_id".


character string of the name of the column containing the reference dates for the forecasts. Defaults to "forecast_date". Should be set to NULL if no such column exists, in which case the column will be created using the following information: horizon, target end date, and temporal resolution.


character string of the name of the column containing the locations for the forecasts. Defaults to "location".


character string of the name of the column containing the horizons for the forecasts. Defaults to "horizon".


character string of the name of the column containing the targets for the forecasts. Defaults to "target". If temp_res_col is NULL, the target column in model_outputs is assumed to contain targets of the form "temporal_resolution target" or "temporal_resolution ahead target", such as "wk ahead inc flu hosp" "wk inc flu hosp".


character string of the name of the column containing the output types for the forecasts. Defaults to "output_type".


character string of the name of the column containing the output type ids for the forecasts. Defaults to "output_type_id".


character string of the name of the column containing the values for the forecasts. Defaults to "value".


character string of the name of the column containing the temporal resolutions for the forecasts. Defaults to "temporal_resolution". Should be set to NULL if no such column exists, in which case the column will be created from the existing target column.


character string of the name of the column containing the target end dates for the forecasts. Defaults to "target_end_date". Should be set to NULL if no such column exists, in which case the column will be created using the following information: horizon, forecast date, and temporal resolution.


a data.frame of reformatted model outputs that may be fed into any of the covidHubUtils functions with 10 total columns: model, forecast_date, location, horizon, temporal_resolution, target_variable, target_end_date, type, quantile, value. Other columns are removed.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
forecasts <- load_forecasts(
  models = c("COVIDhub-ensemble", "UMass-MechBayes"),
  dates = "2020-12-14",
  date_window_size = 7,
  locations = c("US"),
  targets = paste(1:4, "wk ahead inc death"),
  source = "zoltar"
#> get_token(): POST:
#> get_resource(): GET:
#> get_resource(): GET:
#> get_resource(): GET:
altered_forecasts <- forecasts |> # Alter forecasts to not be CovidHub format
  dplyr::rename(model_id=model, output_type=type, output_type_id=quantile) |>
  dplyr::mutate(target_variable = "wk ahead inc death", horizon=as.numeric(horizon)) |>
formatted_forecasts <- as_covid_hub_forecasts(
) |>
testthat::expect_equal(formatted_forecasts, dplyr::select(forecasts, model:value))